"I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord;
No tender voice like Thine can peace afford.
I need Thee every hour, stay Thou nearby;
Temptations lose their power when Thou art nigh.
No tender voice like Thine can peace afford.
I need Thee every hour, stay Thou nearby;
Temptations lose their power when Thou art nigh.
I need Thee, O I need Thee;
O I need Thee every hour;
I need you Lord, O bless me now,
O I need Thee every hour;
I need you Lord, O bless me now,
My Savior, I come to Thee."
This is the first verse of an old hymn written by Annie Hawks entitled "I Need Thee Every Hour." It's one that I remember listening to in the pews of the Baptist church I grew up in. Although I've known its lyrics since before I was ten, its truth has become increasingly more powerful in my life the older I get. Every time I hear it playing however I am reminded of my good friend Alice in the South Bronx.
When I first took over the spot in the South Bronx I was told of our friend who would come every week to sit down in our office and rest for a few minutes. Other than the fact that she was completely blind I knew nothing else. For the next few months I would always attempt to set aside a few minutes in the midst of our busyness to sit down and talk with her. Over time as we learned to trust each other I began to see a woman who is more dependent on Christ's strength than almost anyone I've ever met.
Alice was not born blind, due to an illness that struck her a few years ago she was left with no vision. She now has to be guided by an aid everywhere she goes. Along with her vision, her husband left shortly after that. Although she has three grown children, every week in tears she asks me to pray for them that God would keep them safe in the midst of their "activities" and that they turn to God instead of their own pleasures. And about two months ago Alice was informed of her need for back surgery due to severe scoliosis.
Despite all that has been stacked against her the joy and innocence beaming from this tiny woman is astounding. She still remains faithful to her husband (despite their separation she still wears her ring and refuses to divorce), to her children, and to her God. Every week I pray for sight and every week I pray also for a miracle with her back, but the real miracle has already manifested: her smile and her strength. Just the other week as I was having a bad day, in the midst of our discussion she asked me what was wrong. She had sensed in my voice that all was not well. I thank God for this friend of mine who I have the honor and privilege to serve every week through simple friendship.
Please pray for Alice as she makes preparations for back surgery, pray for her children and husband, pray that God continue to give her the strength to be the rock in her family, and please pray for sight... Grace & Peace to you and your family....
Alice & I... |
I have had a few Alices in my life too. What would I do without them.